
The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe

The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're plKnow Youaying the game, More than is world of warcraft, and Star Wars the old republic, want to play? Just use thisswtor credits,you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

The story of Illidan Stormrage, born well over 10,000 years ago in the ancient city of Suramar alongside his brother Malfurion and their childhood friend Tyrande, would change the entire world now known as Azeroth. Without them, the Burning Legion might well have succeeded. The machinations of demons, the corrupt Highborne, even Queen Azshara were balked by this trio. But Illidan himself was often his own worst enemy.

He is one of the greatest manipulators of arcane power ever to live, Play warcraft of course need to buy the wow gold,the first to ever seek to stalk and kill demons, a prodigy and a madman. He betrayed his own people in order to save them and the entire world, but he always served himself first. Selfish, mercurial, brilliant, resentful and tormented by himself, Illidan Stormrage helped make Azeroth everything it is today.

Both of the Stormrage brothers underwent the tuition of Cenarius, the son of Elune and Malorne and a powerful Ancient. Despite the personal attention of a demigod, Illidan could not find in himself any real interest in the druid magics that Malfurion so excelled at. Illidan was far more interested in the arcane. If he also sought a quicker path to power in order to impress Tyrande, it was still his preference.

The War of the Ancients changed everything for all three of them (and indeed for all Night Elves everywhere). The Kaldorei (as Night Elves call themselves) changed so utterly and so painfully as a result of this war that it's difficult for anyone who knows the Night Elves today to understand. Illidan grew to young adulthood among a people who tapped the Well of Eternity at the heart of Kalimdor for every possible use. The Well's power so suffused their civilization that those who were most in tune with the constant outflow of its arcane power were the rulers of their people, the Quel'dorei (Children of Noble Birth). Queen Azshara herself was born with the same golden eyes as Illidan, eyes that marked them both with a special destiny to the night elves of that time.

We've talked at length about the war and Illidan's role in it before. For now, we can say that Illidan took part in the war alongside Malfurion and Tyrande, using his arcane powers and proving himself one of the strongest mages alive -- strong enough to succeed where those Highborne not seduced by Queen Azshara's madness failed. For it was the Queen and her advisor Xavius who had, in effect, declared war on their own people and even war on the world itself. More than is world of warcraft, and Star Wars the old republic, want to play? Just use thisswtor credits .They sought to keep all of the power of the Well of Eternity for themselves in order to use it to open a portal between Azeroth and the Twisting Nether and let the dark titan Sargeras wholly into the world. While their people panicked, they let Sargeras' demonic servants loose, in hordes almost uncountable. They stole the magic that Night Elf society had come to count on so that their people who have no means to defend themselves. In their hour of greatest need, the Night Elves saw the arcane magic they had so trusted fail them utterly.

